Monday, October 26, 2015

YNY-3: Week 1

4 things to a great story:
1.       Great premise
2.       Compelling conflict
3.       Purposeful story structure
4.       Well executed scenes

Idea behind my story:
Everything is connected and even the mundane has place in sacredness.

Concept: (What if)
What if one person really could make a difference and truly save the world? What if a person is able to make a small change that could save or destroy the world? Which would they choose?

It’s a story about a Shaman-Weaver who has to find the cause of the unwarranted death and destruction before the very fabric of the world is unraveled. While searching for the root of the growing chaos, she has to face her own innermost fears, insecurities and hidden malevolence. If she cannot overcome them, she—and all of humanity—will be lost.

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